Specialist problem solvers in the field of Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality.
We’re at a technological tipping point of a new medium and it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve. Our team are armed with unparalleled expertise, innovative thinking, and a proven deep understanding of immersive technologies.
For any success with cutting edge technology, experience matters. Check out the results we’ve achieved for our clients - industry leaders we’ve helped with our passion and expertise.
A singular focus.
Bringing about change is difficult.
We’re fortunate to be working with established players in their fields and have the opportunity to focus on projects that help bring about a new era of virtual, augmented and mixed reality for generations to come.
Have a project in mind for us? Let’s talk.

As one of the early pioneers in the field, we work with the very best in the industry to help mould its future.
Valve Corporation
Creators of the Steam platform and ground-breaking games such as Portal and Half-Life, among many.
Along with contributing to the SteamVR platform and the VR Games & Experiences it helps enable, we have implemented and co-authored OpenXR specification standards for Valve.
We also developed and are continuously improving Valve’s SteamVR Input plugin for Unreal, adding the latest SteamAudio features to Unreal.
We’ve also developed the Rendering/Display provider of the SteamVR Unity XR Plugin - enabling established studios and indie developers alike to craft high-fidelity Virtual Reality (VR) experiences with two of the major game engines around.
Epic Games Inc.
Developers of the ever popular Fortnite and Unreal Engine.
It takes passionate individuals to bring upon a paradigm shift of this magnitude. An Epic Games Mega Grant recipient, we’re also working with Epic Games directly to provide Advanced VR development courses for their revamped Unreal Academy. Developing a course that aims to teach developers to create VR-specific mechanics with a strong focus on the unique aspects of the medium and provide them the know-how to create projects that can scale and be used to work collaboratively within a team.
Khronos Group Inc.
Open Standards body responsible for OpenXR, Vulkan, glTF, OpenGL and more …
Action-based input systems such as OpenXR’s is incredibly powerful and flexible. Used to its full potential, developers and application end-users alike can benefit from its open and customizable approach towards input.
To help unlock the potential, we are developing a set of OpenXR cross-platform helper libraries to enhance the Action-to-Controller binding and rebinding, and a sample UI for developers and end-users that use the Helper Library.
Contact Us
Level 8, 139 Quay Street, Auckland 1010
New Zealand

“Imagine the realities” is a registered trademark of Beyond Reality Labs Ltd
Third party legal notices
Valve, the Valve logo, Half-Life, the Half-Life logo, the Lambda logo, Steam, the Steam logo, Portal, the Portal logo, SteamVR and the SteamVR Logo are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.
Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Fortnite, the Fortnite logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, and the Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc.
Khronos and the Khronos Group logo are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.
OpenXR™ and the OpenXR logo are trademarks owned by The Khronos Group Inc. and are registered as a trademark in China, the European Union, Japan and the United Kingdom